IC Realtime - How to Change the IP Address of a Device Using Config Tool

Learn how to update device IP addresses using Config Tool by selecting devices, entering a Start IP, and confirming settings.

How to Change the IP Address of a Device Using Config Tool

Step 1: Open Search Settings

  1. Launch the Config Tool and go to "Search Settings."
  2. Enter the device password when prompted, then select "OK" to continue.

Step 2: Select Devices for IP Modification

  1. In the device list, check the box next to the device(s) whose IP address you wish to change.
  2. Click on "Batch Modify IP."

Step 3: Enter Network Details

  1. Input the desired Start IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway for the selected devices.
    • Example: If your Start IP is set to, the first device will receive this address. Any additional devices will be assigned incrementally (e.g.,,, etc.).
  2. Once all details are entered, click "OK."

Step 4: Verify IP Address Update

  1. The IP addresses should now be updated for each device.
  2. If any issues occur, double-check the password in Search Settings and ensure all IP details are entered correctly.