Dahua - DMSS - Share Device with Another User

This article will show you how to share a Dahua device from one DMSS Account to another. Courtesy of the Dahua Wiki Team.


  • Dahua DMSS Account
  • Dahua Device added to the Dahua Account

Step by Step Instructions

1. Open the DMSS App and login with a Dahua Account.

2. Tap on Device and then tap on ... to the right of the device you want to share.


3. Tap on Device Sharing


4. Type in the email address of the other DMSS account in the field at the top.
Check the boxes next to the types of permissions you want to give this other account.
Then tap OK at the top.


5. Tap on OK


6. Once the device has been sucessfully shared, you will see the account email address in the list under "Shared Users".
